Quiz 1

  • This is an uncertain event or set of circumstances that, should it occur, will affect the achievement of objectives. It is measured by a perceived probability of occurrence and magnitude of impact.

  • Delivery of VALUE is an important topic in project management. Value is defined as: "the monetary worth of something", but that definition is often incomplete. When an individual or business customer evaluates the value of something, identify the elements that are actually the basis of a value definition.

  • In the lifecycle of product creation, this is the stage where the final product/service is made available for the customers use.

  • This type of service provider has multiple customers which could exist as either internal or external entities.

  • In the concept of value, Customers determine value based on business outcomes. What specific attributes are used to determine their perception of value?

  • This area of attention defines the work to be done, including "how much work"? The components of this document will include all quality and cost expectations .

  • This entity "consumes" whatever has been produced for their use.

  • The value of a product or service delivery should be defined in business terms and always from the perspective of the receiving customer.

  • This is a plan for lessening the probability of occurrence. This plan is documented in the Risk Register.

  • This tool helps project managers to identify and deal with all stakeholders. Each stakeholder is assigned a designation to identify their level of involvement in the project.

  • This GROUP includes all interested parties. It identifies those who are affected, and also those who are involved.

  • In the lifecycle of product creation, this is the stage where markets are identified, size of market is verified, and customer's willingness/ability to pay is understood.

  • This term identifies something that we must decide how to deal with or avoid. The occurrence could be a positive event or a negative event.

  • This event is an occurrence that is always negative. When dealing with this event, organizations will often try to resolve it with a "workaround".

  • In this lifecycle stage of product/service delivery, an architectural blueprint or schematic is created to identify which components will be used and how those components will fit together.

  • In the lifecycle of product creation, this is the stage where a prototype is build to verify that the planned build is complete. This is also where testing occurs.

  • This document identifies and controls all project activities from beginning to the implementation.

  • This must either improve the customer's performance or minimize or remove a constraint that the customer has to deal with. It does not have to do both. Which attribute of Value is this question describing? Choose 2 below.

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