Quiz 6

  • A Team is transitioning into Scrum. They already had a role called Project Coordinator, who facilitates interactions, removes roadblocks and acts as the process coach of the Team. What should this role be called after the transition?

  • A Development Team in Scrum can consist of:.........

  • Of the choices below, which one is the responsibility of the Scrum Master?

  • This role makes its own decisions about how work will be performed. They consistently assess their workflow to determine how it could be made more efficient. The team is graded based on the amount and quality of the work that is produced over time. They are responsible for each other and become almost as close as family.

  • Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic Scrum roles?

  • This role is held accountable by the customer if the business requirements are not fulfilled by the final delivered solution.

  • This role is a protector of the team members. It looks to help team members by removing obstacles that stand in the way of productivity.

  • Scrums “focus on people” attempts to empower team members to produce high quality output. This empowerment grants authority and responsibility to specific team members regarding the quality and quantity of work produced. Who is ultimately accountable for the overall success or failure of a Scrum project?

  • A team has nine members spread over two locations across two time zones. One of the locations has six team members and the other team has three. Where should a Scrum Master be located?

  • This role is responsible for accurately calculating the team's velocity. They provide this velocity measure to the team at each sprint planning session to help the team accurately predict how much work can be chosen from the product backlog.

  • A scrum development team consist of members performing different roles. Which answer below identifies the correct roles being performed by the development team?

  • A Sprint just concluded, and it was a disaster. None of the planned stories were completed and the review had to be cancelled. Senior management wants to establish accountability for this. Who is ultimately accountable for the success or failure of a Scrum project?

  • In the Scrum Framework, a team will normally be composed of approximately ___ people.

  • You are the Product Owner on a Scrum Team, and are currently mid-Sprint. Which of the following is NOT one of your responsibilities?

  • When assembling a Scrum development team, the Scrum master looks to pull together all the necessary skills to competently tackle the project. This would include, Test Engineer, Architects, Developers, Analyst, User Interface Designers, DBAs, and more. What is the term that identifies the types of skills needed to have a complete set of needed abilities?

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