DDL and Data Integrity

Data Definition Language and Data Integrity Constraints

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Describe Data Definition Language (DDL).

  • Demonstrate how to create a database in SQL.

  • Demonstrate how to create tables in a database.

  • Describe Data Integrity and Data Integrity Constraints.

Introduction to Database Integrity and Constraints

Scenario: When authorized users make changes to the database, integrity constraints ensure that the data remains consistent. When designing the database schema, integrity constraints are added. It defines constraints in SQL DDL commands such as 'CreateTable' and 'AlterTable.'

Integrity Constraints are the protocols that a table's data columns must follow. These are used to restrict the types of information that can be entered into a table. This means that the data in the database is accurate and reliable. You may apply integrity Constraints at the column or table level. The table-level Integrity constraints apply to the entire table, while the column level constraints are only applied to one column.

We will explore in detail about Database integrity and constraints in upcoming slides, we will utilize classicmodels database for demonstrations and examples. You must have classicmodels database setup.

Data Definition Language

Data Definition Language (DDL) helps you to define the database structure and schema (tables, table fields, table constraints, and data integrity). The DDL statements are CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.

Naming Conventions

Before creating a database and tables, consider best practices around table names:

  • Use real words (non-cryptic): xdsffbus

  • The name should indicate the purpose, example: trainingFeedback

  • Avoid dated names: db2012

  • Avoid special characters: db@fms

  • Avoid numbers: db007

Create Database in SQL

To create a new database in SQL, you can use the CREATE DATABASE statement with the following syntax:

CREATE [CHARACTER DATABASE SET [IF NOT EXISTS] database_name charset_name]
[COLLATE collation_name]


Create database IF NOT EXISTS demoDatabase;

A RDBMS creates a new tablespace named demoDatabase. Some vendors instead support the schema keyword as shown below:

Create schema IF NOT EXISTS demoDatabase;

All of the above clauses are optional. If you skip the CHARACTER SET and COLLATE clauses, MySQL will set the default CHARACTER SET, and COLLATE for the new database.

Create a Table in Database

The CREATE TABLE statement allows us to create a new table in a database. Table definitions define the table name and fields within the table, and the constraints/relationships for the fields. Below is the syntax and an example.

) ENGINE=storage_engine;

CREATE TABLE vehicles (
    vehicleId INT,
    year INT NOT NULL,
    make VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

Data Persistence and Longevity

Databases are intended to accrue information over long periods of time. In many cases, the data becomes increasingly valuable as it contains hidden trends and associations, which are not evident in the short-term. Designing a database with well-chosen constraints on data relationships and values is the best means for maximizing this value.

Data Integrity

Data integrity refers to the accuracy, maintenance and consistency of data stored in a database, and is a critical aspect to the design, implementation, and usage of any system that stores, processes, or retrieves data. Data with “integrity” is said to have a complete structure, (i.e., all characteristics defining the data are correct).

To be most useful, data needs to meet the basic criteria. For example:

  • What use is a “primary key” if a table permits duplicate keys?

  • What does it mean if an Orders table references a Customers table through a foreign key, but some of those customers are missing?

  • What good is an Employee table if names are null?

  • Is abcd+xyz.3# a valid entry for a customer email address?

  • Do we want to allow “alien” in a column specifying gender?

Databases give us powerful tools to enforce data integrity.

Data Integrity Constraints

Data integrity constraints refer to the rules and policies applied to maintain the quality of data. Data integrity constraints often include checks and corrections for invalid data based on a fixed schema or a predefined set of rules. Constraints can be column-level and table-level.

There are two main reasons why using database constraints is a preferred way of enforcing data integrity:

  • First, constraints are inherent to the database engine, and as so, uses fewer system resources to perform their dedicated tasks.

  • Second, database constraints are always checked by the database engine before insert, update, or delete operations. Invalid operations are canceled before the operation is undertaken; therefore, they are more reliable and robust for enforcing data integrity.

There are four categories of data integrity constraints enforced by a database:

  1. Domain Integrity

    • SQL data types

    • NOT NULL constraints

    • Defaults

  2. Entity Integrity

    • Primary keys

    • Unique constraints

  3. Referential Integrity

    • Foreign key constraints

  4. User-Defined Integrity:

    • Check constraints

    • Triggers

Domain Integrity - SQL Data Types

SQL Data Types are a part of the language where vendors have diverged. There are, however, a few core types (or type aliases) supported by all vendors. To learn more about SQL data types, visit the Wiki document.

Domain Integrity Example: SQL Data Types

In this example, we will create tables named payments_info, and we will specify column names with Data Types.

CREATE TABLE payments_info (
    customerNumber int,
    checkNumber varchar(50),
    paymentDate date,
    amount decimal(10,2),
    is_completed BOOLEAN,
    descriptions TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP,
    price DECIMAL(10,2),
    quantity  SMALLINT, -- Allow negative
    priority ENUM('Low', 'Medium', 'High')

Domain Integrity: NOT NULL and DEFAULT Constraints

The NOT NULL constraint prevents the column from having a NULL value; it specifies that a NULL value is not allowed. When designing tables, it is essential to consider where NULL values are appropriate. Most often, this is a common-sense decision.

Default constraint specifies a default value for a column if no value is supplied when adding a record to a table. Note: If no DEFAULT is defined, a column defaults to NULL unless there is a NOT NULL constraint; in which case, a value must be provided in the INSERT statement. DEFAULT values can use the return value of built-in and user-defined functions.

Domain Integrity Example: NOT NULL and DEFAULT Constraints

In this example, we will demonstrate how to use the NOT NULL constraint and the DEFAULT constraint.

create table Salesfeedback(
customerFeedback varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL,
createdDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp, customerReference varchar(15) DEFAULT 'OnlineSales', username varchar(50) NOT NULL

2 - Entity Integrity

  • Entity Integrity ensures that there are no duplicate records within the table and that the field that identifies each record within the table is unique and never null.

  • Entity Integrity requires that each row of a table, representing a unique “entity,” can be uniquely identified. It is enforced to use primary key constraints and unique constraints.

Entity Integrity - Primary Keys

  • Primary key constraints are defined in the CREATE TABLE statement, using either column-level or table-level.

  • When the primary key constraint is defined for a table, the database will ensure that it is both present (not null) and unique.

  • One table can only have one primary key, which may consist of a single column or multiple columns. If the primary key contains multiple columns, it is called a composite primary key, and the combination of the multiple columns must contain distinct values.

  • Remember: It is NOT required for each table to have a primary key constraint.

Example - Primary Key

Example: field-level

create table department_one(
    id int primary key,
    name varchar(32) NOT NULL

Example: table-level

create table department_two(
     id int,
     name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
     constraint pk_dept PRIMARY KEY(id)

Entity Integrity - Primary Keys - Groups of Columns

We can specify a group of columns as the primary key by using the table-level syntax:

PRIMARY KEY (col1,col2,...)


    std_id INT,
    roll_id INT,
    fullname VARCHAR(255),
    is_completed BOOLEAN,
    PRIMARY KEY (std_id , roll_id)

Auto-Generated - Primary Keys

SQL provides mechanisms for generating primary keys. The “AUTO_INCREMENT” attribute can be used to generate a unique identity for new rows when you insert a new record to the table. The AUTO_INCREMENT indicates that the value of the column is incremented automatically, by one, whenever a new row is inserted into the table.


CREATE TABLE checklists (
    task_id INT,
    todo VARCHAR(255),
    is_completed BOOLEAN,
    PRIMARY KEY (todo_id , task_id)

Universal Unique Identifier

A Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is a generated number that is globally unique even if it is generated by two independent programs on different computers.

  • The probability that a UUID is not unique is close enough to zero to be negligible.

  • A UUID is generated from a timestamp (temporal difference) and computer node ID (spatial difference).

  • A UUID value is a 128-bit number, and can be used to create a primary key in a distributed environment.

  • To generate UUID values, use the UUID() function: UUID() Example: SELECT UUID() AS UUID_Value

For more information about UUID, visit the Wiki document.

Example - SQL Universal Unique Identifier

To insert UUID values into the id column, we can use the UUID() function as follows:

INSERT INTO account(id, name)
VALUES(UUID(),'John Doe'),
      (UUID(),'Will Smith'),
      (UUID(),'Mary Jane');

Entity Integrity - UNIQUE Constraints

  • A field created with the UNIQUE constraint resembles a primary key – all values for that field must be unique – no duplicates are allowed.

  • Like primary keys, a UNIQUE constraint can apply to compound fields, which means that each combination of those fields must be unique. Unlike primary keys, NULL is allowed, and you can have many UNIQUE constraints per table.

  • Sometimes, the data in a column must be unique, even though the column does not act as PRIMARY KEY of the table. For example, the CategoryName column is unique in the categories table, but is not a primary key of the table. In this case, we create a UNIQUE constraint, which determines that the values in a column or columns must be unique.

Example - UNIQUE Constraints

CREATE TABLE productcategories  (
     productId INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
     productCode varchar(255),
     productname varchar(50) UNIQUE,
     CategoryName varchar(15) UNIQUE,
     PRIMARY KEY (productId, productCode)

Referential Integrity

  • Referential Integrity is about enforcing the relationships defined between tables. This is done with “Foreign Key” constraints.

  • The table with the foreign key can be called a child table, referencing table, or table. The table with the primary key can be called a parent table, referenced table, or primary key table.

  • Foreign Key constraints are defined at the table level.

  • NOT NULL is not required. Sometimes, it makes sense to allow a NULL Foreign Key.

Referential Integrity - Foreign Keys

Foreign Keys define relationships between tables.

Syntax: Foreign Key Constraints Foreign Keys are created with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. A table can have multiple foreign keys that refer to the primary keys of different parent tables. The definition must follow this syntax:

CREATE TABLE tablename
Column_Name Datatype REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name)
CREATE TABLE tablename
FOREIGN KEY (Column_Name)
REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name)

The reference_option provides actions that SQL will take when values in the parent table are deleted (on delete) and/or updated (on update).

  • CASCADE: All records related to that key will be deleted from their respective table(s).

  • SET DEFAULT: All related key fields will assume the default value defined for them, but will only be worked with a PBXT engine.

  • SET NULL: All related key fields will be set to null. Records will not be deleted, but the relationship is gone.

  • RESTRICT: A key violation exception will be raised.

Example 1: Foreign Key Constraints

With Automatic Delete and Update Step 1: Create a table as shown below:

CREATE TABLE department (
dname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending',
depManager VARCHAR(15) DEFAULT "No boss",
depphone INT(7) UNIQUE,
depCreatedDate timestamp,
depstatus ENUM('Active', 'Deactive', 'onhold')

CREATE TABLE employee (
eManagerID INT(10),
eSalary DOUBLE(6, 3),
depID INT(10),
REFERENCES department(id)

Example 2: Foreign Key Constraints

Without Automatic Delete and Update Example One-to-One Relationship

  • A person has only one primary address.

  • The “person” table has a 1-1 relationship with primary-address table.

  • The “primary_address” table has a foreign key field referring to the primary key field of the “person” table.

/* Create "person" table */
pname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (person_id)
/* Create "primary_address" table with FOREIGN KEY */
CREATE TABLE primary_address (
primary_address_id INT NOT NULL,
address varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (primary_address_id),
FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES person (person_id)

Example 3: Foreign Key Constraints

/* Create students table */
CREATE TABLE students (
student_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, sname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (student_id)
/* Create course table */
cname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (course_id)
/* Create "student_course" join table with FOREIGN KEY to
both student and course tables. */
CREATE TABLE student_course (
PRIMARY KEY  (s_id, c_id),
FOREIGN KEY (s_id) REFERENCES students (student_id),
FOREIGN KEY (c_id) REFERENCES course (course_id)

Example: Many-to-Many (n-m) Relationship

  • A student takes many courses, and each course has many students.

  • “student” and “course” have an n-m relationship.

  • Therefore, we need a “student_course” join table (intersection table) called “student- course.”

  • The “student_course” table has foreign key fields to both “student” and “course” tables.

  • The “student_course” table primary key is typically a composite of the student and course primary keys.

  • The “student_course” table can contains other fields such as “course registration date.”

User-Defined Integrity

We often want to constrain field values in a customized manner. The simplest way to accomplish this is with a CHECK constraint:

  • The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.

  • If you define a CHECK constraint on a column, it will allow only certain values for this column.

  • If you define a CHECK constraint on a table, it can limit the values in certain columns based on values in other columns in the row.

Example 1: CHECK Constraints

In this statement, we have two column CHECK constraints; one for the cost column and the other for the price column.

    part_no VARCHAR(18) PRIMARY KEY,
    description VARCHAR(40),
    cost DECIMAL(10,2 ) NOT NULL CHECK (cost >= 0),
    price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL CHECK (price >= 0)

Example 2: CHECK Constraints

create table modelCar(
         carName varchar(20) NOT NULL,
        generation varchar(20) NOT NULL,
          constraint chk_gene CHECK (generation in ('Antique', 'Classic', 'Modern'))

Alter Table Statement

The Alter Table Statement allows us to change/modify an existing table. We can:

  • Add a new column.

  • Drop an existing column.

  • Modify an existing column.

  • Add a constraint.

  • Drop an existing constraint.

Alter Table - Examples

  • Add new column in customer table.

alter table customers add dob date default null;
  • Drop phone column from customers_new table.

alter table customers_new drop phone;
  • Modify the data type of comments column in the orders table.

alter table orders modify comments varchar(2000);
  • Add multiple columns to the vehicles table.

alter table vehicles
ADD color VARCHAR(50), ADD note VARCHAR(255);

Rename Table Name

MySQL offers two ways to rename tables. The first one uses the ALTER TABLE :

  • ALTER TABLE RENAME The second way is to use RENAME TABLE statement syntax:

  • RENAME TABLE old_table_name TO new_table_name;

Example: Rename Table

In this example, we will create two tables, and then we will modify/rename the tables. Run the queries below in the MySql Workbench.

CREATE TABLE `animalDescription` (
  `age` INT,
  `color` varChar(30),
  `description` varchar(255)

CREATE TABLE `animalinfo` (
    `id` INT,
    `name` CHAR(30) NOT NULL

Rename table animalinfo to animal_Details, animalDescription to animalinfo;

Example: Alter Statement

In this example, we will demonstrate how to add a new column and modify a column in an existing table.

Step 1: Create a new table named EMP_DEMO by using the query below:

    BIRTH_DATE DATE DEFAULT '1900-01-01',

Step 2: Add a new column to the EMP_DEMO table called salary. The Alter Table Statement is used to modify a table's structure as shown in the query below:


Step 3: Let’s modify an existing column in the table.


Drop-Table Statement

The Drop-Table Statement removes the table definition and the data.


drop table tableName [RESTRICT | CASCADE ];

Example: Drop Table

  • Drop vehicles table.

DROP TABLE vehicles;
  • Drop payments_new table.

DROP TABLE payments_new;
  • Drop multiple tables in single Drop Statement.

DROP TABLE animal_Details, animalinfo;

Practice Assignment

Complete the INSERT and DELETE exercise. If you have any technical questions while performing the lab activity, ask your instructors for assistance. Please take note that some questions in this Lab may be difficult for you because they cover advanced topics; however, we will cover such advanced topics in later presentations.

Knowledge Check

  1. What are Referential Integrity constraints in MySQL?

  2. What is a Primary Key constraint in MySQL?

  3. What is a Unique Key constraint in MySQL?

  4. What qualities maximize the value of a database?

  5. What is the difference between a Primary Key constraint and a Unique Key constraint?

  6. What is a Composite Key?


Constraints can be specified when a table is created with the CREATE TABLE statement, or you can use the ALTER TABLE statement to create constraints even after the table is created. Integrity constraints are used to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data in a relational database. There are four categories of data integrity constraints enforced by a database: 1) domain, 2) entity, 3) referential, and 4) user-defined. Some of the most commonly used constraints available in SQL include: NOT NULL Constraint, DEFAULT Constraint, UNIQUE Constraint, PRIMARY Key, FOREIGN Key, CHECK Constraint, and INDEX. The SQL CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a new SQL database, and the SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table. SQL Data Types are attributes that specify the type of data of any object.


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